21 August 2016

3D Printing

Thanks to technology of 3D printing it is possible to build a real physical object from a digital model.
This technology is also called additive manufacturing. Depending on the used technique the material is built layer by layer to become a threedimensional object.
Everything that can be drawn in three dimensions can be printed. Endless applications are possible.
3D printing technologies provide added value to create objects that can’t be made in one process with traditional production methods.
Minimal wall thickness and maximum build envelopes must be taken in consideration.

3D printing can be used for :
Art (reproduction, scaling, bronze casting, …)
Architecture (scale models, visualisations)
Jewels (beads, pendants, metal prints, …)
Hobby and modelling
Fabrication of objects in small volumes
Medical applications
Industrial applications
And many more ….

Check here : different 3D printing technologies.